而CDR第107(2)(f)條原規定,按CDR第28條轉讓註冊設計應予登記,並依據費用規則附件第17點繳納轉讓費,每項設計200歐元;惟在修訂草案中,附件一之收費事由已刪除第28條註冊設計轉讓,仍維持授權轉讓(transfer of a licence)以及物權轉讓(transfer of a right in rem)之收費規定(費用規則附件第18(b)及(d)點;草案附件一第12(b)及(d)點)。
36(4) The application shall be subject to the payment of the registration fee and the publication fee. Where a request for deferment under paragraph 3(b) is filed, the publication fee shall be replaced by the fee for deferment of publication.
36(4) The application shall be subject to the payment of the application fee. Where a request for deferment under paragraph 3, point (b), is filed, it shall be subject to an additional fee for deferment of publication.
37(1), Several designs may be combined in one multiple application for registered Community designs. Except in cases of ornamentation, this possibility is subject to the condition that the products in which the designs are intended to be incorporated or to which they are intended to be applied all belong to the same class of the International Classification for Industrial Designs.
37(1), A maximum number of 50 designs may be combined in one multiple application for registered EU designs. Each design contained in a multiple application shall be numbered by the Office in accordance with a system determined by the Executive Director.