在本案中,專利權人同時也是原告的Arendi Holding Limited (以下稱Arendi)以U.S. Patent No. 7,917,843專利案(‘843)控告Apple、Google及Motorola (以下稱Apple)侵權。Apple向專利審理暨上訴委員會(Patent Trial and Appeal Board;PTAB)對’843專利提出多方複審(Inter Partes Review;IPR)程序之訴願,PTAB最後以claims為顯而易見為由,判定’843專利不具可專利性。Arendi上訴至聯邦法院(CAFC)[1]。
2008年申請的’843專利係有關地址處理的技術,其在訴願中的代表項是Claim 1,整項內容略長,在此僅摘錄本判例主要爭辯的部分,即下方斜粗體內容:
「1. A computer-implemented method for finding data related to the contents of a document using a first computer program running on a computer, the method comprising:
retrieving the first information;
providing an input device, configured by the first computer program, that allows a user to enter a user command to initiate an operation, the operation comprising (i) performing a search using at least part of the first information as a search term in order to find the second information, of a specific type or types, associated with the search term in an information source external to the document, wherein the specific type or types of second information is dependent at least in part on the type or types of the first information, and (ii) performing an action using at least part of the second information;…」
法官認為被告Apple對於「在加入至通訊錄時先搜尋電話號碼」僅提供了微量的證據(scintilla of evidence)。先搜尋電話號碼可以避免建置重複資料,但先搜尋姓名亦可達到相同效果。此外,若同一姓名有多個電話號碼,則先搜尋電話號碼會發生「若該號碼持有者已由其他號碼建置於通訊錄中,但該搜尋不會顯示該持有者」的狀況。例如John Smith有二支電話號碼,但只有第一支號碼建置於資料庫中,若以第二支號碼搜尋,則不會顯示John Smith,此狀況下先搜尋電話號碼反而會建立重複資料。
這裡試著以USPTO審查新案的角度來檢視此案例,以MPEP § 2143為例,其中有提到可能支持顯而易見之推論的理由包括「(D) Applying a known technique to a known device (method, or product) ready for improvement to yield predictable results」以及「(E) “Obvious to try” – choosing from a finite number of identified, predictable solutions, with a reasonable expectation of success」,明顯可試(Obvious to try)是post-KSR對於顯而易見最主要的影響之一,本判例中「先搜尋電話號碼」與「先搜尋姓名」是明顯可試的solutions,但是「先搜尋電話號碼」會產生unpredictable results,原因如前述的同一人有二隻電話號碼的狀況,自然就不會有expectation of success。
同樣在MPEP § 2143中對於上述第E項進一步提及四點findings,其中第3點「a finding that one of ordinary skill in the art could have pursued the known potential solutions with a reasonable expectation of success」與第4點「whatever additional findings based on the Graham factual inquiries may be necessary, in view of the facts of the case under consideration, to explain a conclusion of obviousness」值得注意,因為在此案中這2點都是不成立的;第3點不成立之原因如上段所述,第4點不成立之原因為secondary considerations的unexpected results (更多資訊可參考MPEP § 716 & 2141),而同段亦說明「If any of these findings cannot be made, then this rationale cannot be used to support a conclusion that the claim would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art.」,所以本案例的common sense在前述條件下並不common,不能作為顯而易見的依據。