在CAFC的上訴中,GPNE主要爭辯二個議題,第一點是地院把node解釋成「pager with two-way data communications capability that transmits wireless data communications on a paging system that operates independently from a telephone network」是錯誤的,第二點是地院讓陪審團解釋「pager」的意義有違O2 Micro案[2]的case law。(本文只討論第一點)。
第一點中,GPNE把爭議拆成二個面向,首先當然就是node不該是pager,再來是「operates independently from a telephone network」之解釋是有誤的。GPNE認為claims中沒有任何東西要求node一定要是pager,雖然其承認說明書pager多次出現,但強調說明書中仍有node應該被更廣義解釋的證據,例如說明書記載在複雜資料網路中,node是具有影像顯示以及手寫板功能的裝置,GPNE甚至把母案的claims用詞paging system與paging unit也搬出來做為輔佐。
至於第二點,GPNE認為不該由說明書中「Thus, the invention provides a two-way paging system which operates independently from a telephone system for wireless data communication between users.」這句而在claim解釋時增加「operates independently from a telephone network」的限制。
其實某些patent profanity需要特別注意避免而某些則是不用過度反應,例如這裡的「the invention」或常見的「the present invention」,有申請人以為寫了就自我侷限了,但許多判例的結果是這些字眼並不一定會帶來限制,例如UNWIRED PLANET, LLC v. APPLE INC., Appeal No. 2015-1725 (Fed. Cir. July 22, 2016)這判例,聯邦法院撤銷了地院的未侵權的簡易判決,因為地院在claim解釋時錯誤使用「the present invention」來限制claim範圍。另一案例是Absolute Software, Inc. v. Stealth Signal, Inc., 659 F. 3d 1121, 1136-1137 (Fed. Cir. 2011),判決中提到「use of the phrase “present invention” or “this invention” is not always so limiting, such as where the references to a certain limitation as being the “invention” are not uniform, or where other portions of the intrinsic evidence do not support applying the limitation to the entire patent」,換句話說,是否限制claim的關鍵是說明書記載之內容,GPNE的說明書只能支持「operates independently from a telephone network」這件事,claim解釋時自然會被限制於其上。
GPNE Corp. v. Apple Inc., Case No. 15-1825 (Fed. Cir., Aug. 1, 2016)
O2 Micro International Ltd. v. Beyond Innovation Technology Co., 521 F.3d 1351, 1362 (Fed. Cir. 2008)