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張修明/北美智權 教育訓練處 產品設計資深研究員

圖1. (註1):Varier Gravity Balans Recliner (1984)

現代的工業設計,指的是1920年後,以當代材料、技術與經濟模式運作的「其中一種」商業步驟(所謂其中一種,即非絕對必要的);精神上脫離了純粹藝術與工藝,形式上也朝向理性,表現手法涉及了商業考量。工業設計是產品開發「眾多步驟的整合」,產品是形體化的概念(formed concept),此點時常讓人誤解工業設計就僅是設計產品的外觀;若僅由設計專利的角度認識工業設計,不僅加深了這種誤解,對設計專利本身存在的意義也會產生疑慮。為了要完整保護由時間與金錢累積而成的概念(概念等同成本),設計專利與新型、發明專利必須視需要併行申請(圖3為圖1相關之發明專利),因為產品與專利各自都是複雜的組成。

圖 2. (註2):Different usage scenarios of Varier Gravity Balans

圖 3. (註3):美國發明專利 4328991 實施例 (1982)


世界智慧財產權組織(WIPO)對 Industrial Design 的解釋為「工業品外觀設計 (註4)」(指物品的裝飾性美學特徵。外觀設計可以是立體特徵,如物品的形狀或外表,也可以是平面特徵,如圖案、線條或顏色。(註5))其將工業設計定義侷限於物件表面上的施作,並將功能性一併以產生視覺作用看待,如同以裝飾性看待訴求人體工學的椅子的造形(美國設計專利的權利請求項開頭為 The ornamental design for…)。這樣的定義,當然不是為了與產品的內涵產生連結;換句話說,反而顯示了需要藉由設計專利達到純粹保護外觀的重要性:即保護「視覺上的識別性」(visual identifiability)── 因為形體的「特徵」可以產生「實際金錢」的價值。由品牌的觀點,較能理解設計專利的實質意義。如許多具有「品牌識別性」、「經典性」的產品(圖 4,大多數人不需看其商標,一眼就能知道該產品的品牌或是型號),設計專利如同保護了「個別產品」在「一段時間內」的立體商標(僅用以比喻,實際上兩者的保護方式並不相同)。以這樣的方式理解設計專利,我認為是比較正面的態度,也有助於以品牌思維建構產品線;因為創作者或企業主都必須問自己一個最根本深層的問題:「為什麼要申請設計專利?我的產品會是大家競相模仿的對象嗎?」

圖 4. Porsche 911 SC (1981) (註6

圖 5. 美國設計專利 D199433 S (1964) (註7



圖 6 .左/舊石器時代。右/新石器時代 (註8

圖 7. A. 中國江西省仙人洞出土紀錄最古老陶片(18000 B.C.)。 B. 廣西大新縣歌壽岩遺址出土,細繩紋圜底陶釜(10000 B.C.~ 200 B.C.),繩紋有裝飾性與增加摩擦力的功能。 C. 中國青海省孫家寨出土,內壁繪有三組相同的舞蹈場面(3000 B.C.)。 D. 古地中海彩陶,儲存、水罐或花器(600 B.C.)。 E. Portland Vase, Josiah Wedgwood 於 1790年仿製 Barberini Vase(100 B.C. ~ 200 B.C.),僅生產了30只。(註9

當器物滿足了人對功能的需求之後,便朝向滿足人的精神需求(圖 7,A~E,因為時代進步與商業操作,此二者永遠無法被滿足),因為一個東西擺在那佔位,不好看那就是礙眼。器物的裝飾,就是生活的表現,是與放置它的建築、與其場域發生的活動有著一致性(想像古裝戲裡的建築、器物、服裝與活動)。工業革命前,如五百年前達文西所設計的飛行器、投石器,如今看來也是工業設計(圖 8,嚴格地說,我們看到的是 idea sketch 的步驟),也可說是純粹的機械設計,這之間的差別,在於如何談論美感的部分。

圖 8. (左)Spring engine with a sling attached to its arm (1480s)、(右)Ornithopter Flying Machine (1480s) (註10



1873年,奧地利維也納舉辦國際發明展覽會(世博會的前身),制定了一項特殊法律,以對展覽會展出的外國人的發明、商標和外觀設計提供特殊的臨時保護。之後,專利改革會議提出了國際專利制度的基本原則,並呼籲各國盡快就專利保護問題達成國際諒解 (註11)。在此基礎上,「與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定」(TRIPS)的兩個根源:始於 1883 年的「保護工業產權巴黎公約」將工業設計、(發明)專利、實用新型、商標等區分開,都是屬於工業財產權(Industrial Property)(註12);始於 1886 年的「保護文學和藝術作品伯爾尼公約」亦將「應用藝術、工業設計和模型作品」納入「文學與藝術作品的作者權」的保護範圍 (註13)。1994 年,GATT 會員國簽訂烏拉圭回合多邊貿易談判結果之最終法案,其中 TRIPS 將 Industrial Designs 排除在著作權(Copyright)之外,它被歸屬於「必須經由註冊」始得保護之 (註14)。

(左)圖 9. Whilst Reading (1866)註15)   (中)圖 10. Thomas Edison's first successful light bulb model (1879)註16)   (右)圖 11. Femme au café (1901)註17

「工業」狹義泛指工業革命之工業,1880 年代在工業史上,是工業革命發生約一百年,是愛迪生的白熾燈起始年代(圖 10),是鋼鐵轉進塑膠的年代,德國 AEG 成立(1883);在藝術史上,是克拉姆斯柯依(Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi, 1837~87,圖 9)離世、畢卡索(Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 1881~1973,圖 11)出世的年代;是浪漫主義(Romanticism)到後印象派(Post-Impressionism)的過渡時期;在設計史上,是藝術與工藝運動(Arts & Crafts Movement)與新藝術運動(Art Nouveau)的交接時期。

圖 12. (左)Arts & Crafts Movement interior style (1890s)、(右)Ballads and narrative poems Hammersmith (1893) (註18

藝術與工藝運動試圖改變工業革命所導致的設計與製作相分離的結果,強調藝術與手工藝的結合,它是對維多利亞時代折衷復甦的反應,以及對工業革命造成的「沒有靈魂」的機器產品的反駁(圖 12);而新藝術風格的特性,是充滿活力、波浪和流動的線條,樣式大致取自大自然,如花卉、鳥獸,藤蔓等(圖 13~15),由於受到之前藝術與工藝運動的影響,主張物品的構造、形態與材料要合乎邏輯,提倡率直而誠實地顯示製造的精神。這是1880年代工業設計的表現方式,稱工藝設計或許更為貼切,著重表象上的裝飾性,當時也並沒有工業設計師這種職稱,大部分是由建築師或工藝家、藝術家進行關於物品的設計 (註19)。

圖 13. (左)Casa Milà (1910) (中)Entrance of the Paris Métro in Abbesses station (1900s) (右)The Hotel Tassel (1894) (註20

圖14. (左)Moritz Hacker 'Shell' Table Lamp (1900s) (中)Tiffany Lamp (1900s)、(右)Musée de l'Ecole de Nancy (1900s) (註21


圖 15. (左)貝殼燈設計專利(1899)   (中)一種製造蒂芬尼式彩色玻璃燈罩的步驟發明專利(1985)   (右)彩色玻璃窗發明專利(1881)(註22

1907年,建築師彼得.貝倫斯(Peter Behrens, 1868~1940)進入AEG(目前屬於Electrolux Group)擔任藝術顧問,他不僅進行產品設計,也為公司設計新的商標、統一產品、廣告與出版物的設計(圖 16),今天他被認為是德國工業設計之父,以及企業識別系統的奠基人。他曾說「設計不是裝飾物件的功能,而是創造符合物件的個性和顯示新的技術優勢的造形。(註23)」

圖16. (左、中)AEG Logo & Typography designed by Peter Behrens (1908)、(右)Electric tea kettle (1909) (註24


第一次世界大戰後,1919 年,德國創立國立建築學院(包浩斯,des Staatliches Bauhaus),從表現主義、理性主義、構成主義到機能主義,隨之而來的是現代主義對原型、典型(the type, portotype)的追求(圖 17 左),現代主義者希望這樣的設計可以變成「無式樣」(styleless)及「無時間性」(timeless)的,即不退流行,如馬歇‧布勞爾(Marcel Breuer,1902~81)主張之「一種基於理性原則的清晰及合邏輯的造形」(圖 17 中),這差不多是 1920 年後,現代工業設計基礎的執行方式:將產品的藝術性、裝飾性理性化,從純粹視覺加入對於人的生心理需求考量,例如為了使用上的合理性,可能會對裝飾性做出程度上的犧牲,但結果並不能因為喪失裝飾性而顯得不好看;換句話說,一個物件的美感,並不僅由裝飾性所決定(可以對照上一段歷史,感受這40年之間的風格轉變)。1919 年,雷蒙‧洛伊(Raymond Fernand Loewy, 1893~1986)自法國來到美國,開始他的設計生涯,直至 1929 年他才設計了第一個工業設計委託案(Gestetner 複印機,圖 17 右),後來成為二十世紀著名的美國工業設計師與美國工業設計奠基人。

圖 17. (左)Ericsson DBH 1001 (1932)、(中)The Wassily Chair (1925) 、(右)Gestetner Duplicator (1929)註25



  1. Varier Gravity Balans Recliner, designed by Peter Opsvik, balans® concept: Hans Chr. Mengshoel. www.varierfurniture.com    www.webarredoitalia.com/en/gravity-balans-chair-varier.html
  2. inthralld.com/2012/11/gravity-balans-chair-for-varier-furniture
  3. www.google.com/patents/EP0017450B1?cl=en
  4. www.wipo.int/designs/zh
  5. “An industrial design constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article. A design may consist of three-dimensional features, such as the shape or surface of an article, or of two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or color. Industrial designs are what make a product attractive and appealing; hence, they add to the commercial value of a product and increase its marketability.” www.wipo.int/designs/en
  6. pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porsche_911#mediaviewer/File:Porsche_911SC_ 1981_20070316.jpg
  7. patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/USD199433-0.png
  8. “Such implements were made by splitting and chipping stones, using another stone as a hammer for this purpose.  At the right of this picture a stone knife, in the lower hand, is being shaped by chipping blows struck with the stone in the upper hand.”  www.studenthandouts.com/01-Web-Pages/01-Picture-Pages/09.01-Prehistoric-Paleolithic-Old-Stone-Age-Tools.htm “These tools, after being chipped roughly into shape, were finished by grinding and polishing. Knives of Egypt. Axe-heads of England. Spearhead of the United States.” www.studenthandouts.com/Assortment-01/Gallery-Pages/01.01-Implements- of-the-Polished-Stone-Age.html
  9. tech.sina.com.cn/d/2012-07-09/14387366270.shtml baike.baidu.com/subview/8435516/8368605.htm big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/chinaabc/chapter20/chapter200206.htm www.flysfo.com/museum/exhibitions/scenes-myths-and-daily-life-ancient-mediterranean-pottery-collections-phoebe www.bonhams.com/auctions/21178/lot/540
  10. (left) A spring engine with a sling attached to its arm, which cast two stones at the same time. From ' II Codice Atlantico, Leonardo da Vinci (1452~1519)   (right) Leonardo first became enamored with the idea of flight in the 1480s. He designed what is called the Ornithopter Flying Machine.   www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC4ZA4M_pretoria-geoart-p10-da-vinci?guid=8b7594a7-4435-4186-89bd-ea34cf3a2099 www.kyriba.com/blog/bob-stark/has-all-innovation-been-acquired-out-tms-market
  11. www.unitalenlaw.com/zhouxun2/zhouxun268/ltbl.htm
  12. www.wipo.int/treaties/en/text.jsp?file_id=288514
  13. www.wipo.int/treaties/en/text.jsp?file_id=283698
  14. www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/trips_e/trips_e.htm
  15. Whilst Reading: A Portrait of Sofia Kramskoya, the Painter’s Wife (Ivan Kramskoi, 1866)   01varvara.wordpress.com/2008/11/05/ivan-kramskoi-whilst-reading-a-portrait-of-sofia-kramkoya-the-painters-wife-1866  
  16. U.S. Patent 223898: Electric-Lamp. (Issued January 27, 1880.) & Thomas Edison's first successful light bulb model, used in public demonstration at Menlo Park, December 1879   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Edison
  17. Pablo Picasso, 1901-02, Femme au café (Absinthe Drinker), oil on canvas, 73 x 54 cm, Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pablo_Picasso
  18. (left) Arts & Crafts Movement interior style char.txa.cornell.edu/art/decart/artcraft/artcraft.htm (right) Ballads and narrative poems Hammersmith: Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press and published by Ellis & Elvey, 1893  frontispiece1.blogspot.tw/2011/12/william-morris-and-kelmscott-press.html
  19. While it is true that the term industrial design came into fruition in the 1920s, specialist designers and craftsman date back to the eighteenth century to Josiah Wedgwood's English pottery manufacturing. SIGCHI, Vol.28 No.3, July 1996. old.sigchi.org
  20. (left) Casa Milà, also known as La Pedrera, is a modernist building located at 92, Passeig de Gràcia in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. It was the last civil work designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí (1852~ 1926) and it was built between the years 1906 and 1910. aasid.parsons.edu  (mid) Original Art Nouveau entrance of the Paris Métro in Abbesses station by Hector Guimard (1867~ 1942). The original Art Nouveau entrances are iconic symbols of Paris, and 83 survive. Designed by Hector Guimard in a style that caused some surprise and controversy in 1900. A cast-iron balustrade decorated in plant-like motifs, accompanied by a “Métropolitain” sign supported by two orange globes atop ornate cast-iron supports in the form of plant stems. en.wikipedia.org (right) The Hotel Tassel (French: Hôtel Tassel, Dutch: Hotel Tassel) is a town house built by Victor Horta in Brussels for the Belgian scientist and professor Emile Tassel in 1893–1894. It is generally considered as the first true Art Nouveau building, because of its highly innovative plan and its ground breaking use of materials and decoration. foros.monografias.com/showthread.php/63846-en-busca-de-art-nouveau
  21. (left) A MORITZ HACKER 'SHELL' TABLE LAMP, 1900s www.christies.com/lotfinder/furniture-lighting/a-moritz-hacker-shell-table-lamp-fl1900-5378951-details.aspx  (mid) A Tiffany lamp is a type of lamp with a glass shade made with glass designed by Louis Comfort Tiffany and his design studio. The most famous was the stained leaded glass lamp. Tiffany lamps are considered part of the Art Nouveau movement. www.worthpoint.com (right) Musée de l'Ecole de Nancy freresmougin.wordpress.com/2012/02/24/lart-nouveau-entre-deux-siecles
  22. (left) LOUIS C. TIFFANY, DESIGN FOR A LAMP. SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 30,665, dated May 2, 1899. patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/USD30665-0.png (mid) Crist Jr Paul V, Process for making stained glass tiffany-type lamp shades, US 4557772 A, 1985.  patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/US4557772-1.png (right) L. C. TIFFANY. Colored Glass Window. No. 287,418. Paiented Feb. 8, 1881. patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/US237418-0.png
  23. "Design is not about decorating functional forms - it is about creating forms that accord with the character of the object and that show new technologies to advantage."   www.aeg.com/en/About-AEG/History
  24. (left & mid) abdulazizfarache.blogspot.tw/2011/03/art-nouveau-peter-behrens-and-corporate.html (right) Electric tea kettle designed by Peter Behrens in 1909. It is very elegant and geometric. The whole shape looks modern because of the function factor over the beauty factor. abdulazizfarache.blogspot.tw/2011/03/art-nouveau-peter-behrens-and-corporate.html
  25. (left) Ericsson DBH 1001 Bakelite Telephone designed by Heiberg Jean, 1932. is claimed as the world's first "hookless" bakelite telephone, that is the first telephone where the cradle, or receiver hook, was integrated into the all-bakelite body.   www.flickr.com/photos/cantaenayunas/8157716907 (mid) The Wassily Chair, also known as the Model B3 chair, was designed by Marcel Breuer in 1925-1926 while he was the head of the cabinet-making workshop at the Bauhaus, in Dessau, Germany.   www.e1e4news.com/design-museo/marcel-breuer (right) Gestetner Duplicator, designed by Raymond Loewy, 1929  www.vam.ac.uk


作者: 張修明
現任: 北美智權 教育訓練處 產品設計資深研究員
經歷: Opus (HK) Co., Ltd. 設計師
學歷: 交通大學應用藝術研究所
專長: 工業設計、設計專利、品牌行銷、市場分析


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