USPTO新試辦計畫:Streamlined, Expedited Patent Appeal Pilot for Small Entities
USPTO宣布推出小實體及微實體訴願人適用的訴願程序加速試辦計畫Streamlined, Expedited Patent Appeal Pilot for Small Entities(S-EPAP)(註1),自自2015年9月18日起,符合資格獲准參加者,無需繳付額外規費,也無需捨棄另一訴願案,其訴願程序可取得優先審理順位。
本項辦法不適用Ex Parte Reexaminations訴願案,也不適用大實體訴願人的訴願案,且限定訴願人在辦法生效日當天只剩一件已進入PTAB審理排程(docketed with the PTAB)的候審訴願案,所涉請求項不得摻雜35 U.S.C. 112核駁問題。
“When multiple claims subject to the same ground of rejection are argued as a group or subgroup by appellant, the Board may select a single claim from the group or subgroup and may decide the appeal as to the ground of rejection with respect to the group or subgroup on the basis of the selected claim alone.”