2015 年 07 月 16 日
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李淑莲╱北美智权报 编辑部



像日亚化的LED YAG专利就是很好的例子:绵密的专利布局构成了一张网子,让日亚化手上握有凡是要进入LED领域必定会碰到的专利。在这种情形下便如同禁航区;很多厂商即使想用绕路方式(回避设计)来通行也无法成功,唯有留下买路钱(付权利金)才可以进入禁航区。

图1. 日亚化的LED YAG专利布局全貌


图1是日亚化YAG专利布局的全貌,可以明显的看出从左上角紫色框框中第一个1997年7月29日送件的YGA美国专利US5,998,925开始,随着产品演化与法规变化,日亚化不断以分割案来调整专利范围,增加对手回避设计的难度。直到于2007年3月5日,即亦10年后送件的分割案US7,531,960 (虚线红框者)为止,已经不只是YAG专利了。 

图2. 日亚化YGA专利US5,998,925权利项1 & 2

US 5,998,925  Claims
What is claimed is:
1. A light emitting device, comprising a light emitting component and a phosphor capable of absorbing a part of light emitted by the light emitting component and emitting light of wavelength different from that of the absorbed light; wherein said light emitting component comprises a nitride compound semiconductor represented by the formula: Ini Gaj Alk N where 0≦i, 0≦j, 0≦k and i+j+k=1 and said phosphor contains a garnet fluorescent material comprising 1) at least one element selected from the group consisting of Y, Lu, Se, La, Gd and Sm, and 2) at least one element selected from the group consisting of Al, Ga and In, and being activated with cerium.
2. A light emitting device according to claim 1, wherein the phosphor used contains an yttrium-aluminum-garnet fluorescent material containing Y and Al.

上图2是日亚化的YAG专利US5,998,925的权利项1,余昱辰指出有2个重点,分别是(1) 限定于4元 (InGaAIN)及 (2) Garnet包含YAG;而到了权利项2则是进一步限定为YAG。 在经过一连串的分割与修正,到了专利US7,531,960的权利范围已调整成如图3。

于专利US7,531,960中,权利项1主张 (1)限定GaN系列的蓝光组件、(2) 荧光粉白光转换原理;特征在于荧光粉浓度渐变。由此可见,已经不只是YAG专利了。余昱辰认为这样的专利范围是值得商榷的;首先(1)因无YAG的限制条件,因此所有荧光粉都会受到限制、(2)荧光粉浓度渐变的技术特征 -「当要面对一箩筐这样的专利时,研发人员可能需要多烦恼一个『机率多次方的问题』」

图3. 日亚化YGA专利US7,531,960权利项1

US 7,531,960 CLAIMS
1. A light emitting device which comprises;
a light emitting component having a gallium nitride based semiconductor; and
a resin containing at least one phosphor capable of absorbing a part of a first light of blue color emitting from the light emitting component and emitting a second light of wavelength different from that of the absorbed first light, said emission of the second light emitted from at least one fluorescent material and a light of an unabsorbed first light passes through said fluorescent material from said light emitting component, said unabsorbed first light and said second light are capable of overlapping each other to make white light;
wherein a concentration of the phosphor increases from the surface of a resin that contains the phosphor toward the light emitting component, or the concentration of phosphor increases from the light emitting component toward the resin surface.


荧光粉的专利,除了要看原创性,还要看是否可以真正执行。像YAG 及TAG已经是日亚化跟欧司朗的专利,所以如果利用YAG或是TAG加以变化,即使取得专利,却是既没原创性也无法执行。日亚化之所以能在LED产业箝制同业竞争对手多年,技术是其次,最主要关键是其周延慎密的专利布局手法;如果空有技术但对专利布局一窍不通,那再好的技术到头来也是会拱手让人。




作者: 李淑莲
现任: 北美智权报主编
学历: 文化大学新闻研究所
经历: 半导体科技杂志(SST-Taiwan)总编辑
CompuTrade International总编辑
日本电波新闻 (Dempa Shinbun) 驻海外记者
日经亚洲电子杂志 (台湾版) 编辑



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